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a plan

10-19-2011, 02:56

Tony Himself
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blueman Wrote:I support you day :Original
But I doubt it works !
thx Heart


10-19-2011, 07:44


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ye i dont think those guys will be interested in th3.. usually ppl will just not play this game bcos it looks old and got shitty grafix compared to the games of today.. Closedeyes

[Image: kisspng-ultimate-mortal-kombat-3-mortal-...219300.png]

10-19-2011, 08:02

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Day Wrote:
krea Wrote:yo, i got a better idea i´ll get new tony hawks in real skate <- guess what? yes thats improtant :!: and the new game with skating will be called krea´s pro skater and i´ll make new th3 with better graphics, servers and games then i´ll take a bath in my pool filled with money you all can and will kiss my ass cuz im so famous .. trust me it works :roll: (stupid).
pretty lame post man, things like this should be deleted (N)

I like you Day but it looks like so stupid. "Hey, I'm gonna be the best, so as I'm the best- plz play thps3 because it's so awesome game" lol.

If someone doesn't like games like thps3- he won't play. and what's important- he won't improve his skills. 1k ppl? rotfl. Good if you will get 5ppl and they will become a pro.

10-19-2011, 09:13

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Maybe he can hire people to play. Give them 10 bucks per hour and they will play thps3 for sure (stupid)

Yes, but why is the rum gone?

10-19-2011, 11:27


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lyst Wrote:Maybe he can hire people to play. Give them 10 bucks per hour and they will play thps3 for sure (stupid)
:lol: :mrgreen:

[Image: AllPro_Title.jpg][Image: Anim-tactical-nukeemblem.gif]

10-19-2011, 14:49

Officer Dick

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Quote:hahahahahahhahahah krea you almost made me die XDDDD
Quote:pretty lame post man, things like this should be deleted

lol psy Laugh could´ve been done better tho but i had to take this awnser fast cuz i was afraid someone else would do it :mrgreen:

sry day i see you put some effort in this post but when i read your "masterplan" <- i rly lol´d i was just like wtf you cant be serious. even if you can become famous sc2 player how could the c3-community help you with anything on your way to the top?! should we become your cheerleaders or what?! your post looks to me like plain self display.

10-19-2011, 15:58

Officer Dick
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Get bloom and missy to hold some thps3 cds and cheer lead to them, dude this post is worthless and it ain't news... (stupid)

[Image: 2nkrypj.jpg]
Mark Brandon - Jimmy, if you keep stabbing me, you're going to kill me.

10-19-2011, 16:18

Tony Himself
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krea Wrote:sry day i see you put some effort in this post but when i read your "masterplan" <- i rly lol´d i was just like wtf you cant be serious. even if you can become famous sc2 player how could the c3-community help you with anything on your way to the top?! should we become your cheerleaders or what?! your post looks to me like plain self display.
Masterplan is a pretty dumb topic name i agree. Gonna change it now.
You don't need to help me, trough cheerleading or something hilarious like that.
I might do a youtube channel where I show people how to become better at starcraft2, you could subscribe to that channel and/or just tell friends who like the game aswell, to watch the videos, so that way i'll grow a bit faster and so they idea of getting the thps3 community grows faster aswell.

I don't want to be something like a "hero" or "the best guy", i just want to support a game that was a little part of my life since i play it already 4-5 years now. Trough it I came into the e-sports scene and trough it i'm more interested in computer games then before. And i had some great experience with it.

Lalita Wrote:Get bloom and missy to hold some thps3 cds and cheer lead to them, dude this post is worthless and it ain't news... (stupid)
Still in hard puberty, mh?
No matter what you will reply to my post, i don't even need to read it because they are totally worthless.
So don't feel free to reply on my posts, except if it's constructive.

shin Wrote:I like you Day but it looks like so stupid. "Hey, I'm gonna be the best, so as I'm the best- plz play thps3 because it's so awesome game" lol.

If someone doesn't like games like thps3- he won't play. and what's important- he won't improve his skills. 1k ppl? rotfl. Good if you will get 5ppl and they will become a pro.

I think you don't got the point here just read the things i wrote above.

Those people will play the game 100%, because it's a totally different community - the way they thing is far away from the way we think.


10-19-2011, 21:08


Posts: 505
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Lalita Wrote:Get bloom and missy to hold some thps3 cds and cheer lead to them, dude this post is worthless and it ain't news... (stupid)
That was pretty sexist and stupid.

10-19-2011, 21:34

Officer Dick

Posts: 776
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dont be so harsh with him esk8. its not sexist if you say sth like wow you could be a model/cheerleader.

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