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cant see any servers

Pinky thps3
10-18-2015, 14:58 (This post was last modified: 10-18-2015 18:49 by Pinky thps3.)

Magic Bum
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you do not understand what I said in the video is better shut the fuck up

thps3 despite being a great game community is not so, there is no support among players to perform many ideas

there are always new players to exclucion

It is inevitable to perceive the ego of many players (if Demo even you, while you send a message saying something like "texture you're using for your project 512 has some bugs, I send the same texture but corrected" I did it so that your maps were only slightly better than they were already, but not even said thank you)


ti no entiendes lo que dije en el video es mejor que cierres la puta boca

thps3 a pesar de ser un gran juego su comunidad no lo es tanto, no existe un apoyo entre jugadores para llevar a cabo muchas ideas

siempre hay exclucion hacia nuevos jugadores

es inevitable el percibir el ego de muchos jugadores ( si Demo incluso usted, la vez que te envie un mensaje que decia algo como : " la textura que estas usando para tu proyecto de 512 tiene algunos errores, te envio la misma textura pero corregida" lo hice con el fin de que tus mapas fuesen solo un poco mejor de lo que ya eran, pero nisiquiera dijiste gracias )
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Pinky thps3
10-18-2015, 18:56

Magic Bum
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it could make a validation file
removing updates and most importantly correct errors

how long we actually spent with errors?
months or worse are never arranged

in thugpro I've never seen a failure lasts more than 1 week

thps3 has the potential to be a better game

if I knew what Demo you know, I would not be crossed brasos
I have done very little to thps3, but I've done since your total ignorance and do the things that you do not do


se podria hacer una validacion de archivos
sacando actualizaciones y lo mas importante corregir errores

actualmente cuanto tiempo nos pasamos con errores ?
son meses o peor nunca se arreglan

en thugpro jamas he visto que un error dure mas de 1 semana

thps3 tiene el potencial para ser un juego mejor

si yo supiera lo que tu sabes Demo, yo no estaria de brasos cruzados
he hecho muy pocas cosas para thps3, pero las he hecho desde el desconocimiento total y tu que sabes hacer las cosas no las haces
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10-18-2015, 20:57 (This post was last modified: 10-18-2015 20:58 by Giel.)

What? 180!?

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thps3 has no potential at all, so u can stop wasting your time on stuff like this and just enjoy the game.

I don't know what ur problem with demo is button he's done some awesome stuff for this comunity, so show a little more respect
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10-18-2015, 23:37

Tony Himself
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(10-18-2015 20:57)Giel Wrote:  thps3 has no potential at all, so u can stop wasting your time on stuff like this and just enjoy the game.

I don't know what ur problem with demo is button he's done some awesome stuff for this comunity, so show a little more respect

Preach! Their respect is definantly earned. 17

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10-19-2015, 14:03

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You don't have to use his mods. You can play the original THPS3 if the bugs annoy you. Demo is doing all this stuff voluntarily and he doesn't owe anyone.

Yes, but why is the rum gone?
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Pinky thps3
10-19-2015, 23:49 (This post was last modified: 10-19-2015 23:52 by Pinky thps3.)

Magic Bum
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They are very well do it for free
and indeed some knew some time ago that one of my plans is to give my thanks for that money

but lvl maps mod can not fully enjoy because as many know can only be played TA
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10-20-2015, 01:53

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(10-18-2015 14:58)Pinky thps3 Wrote:  better shut the fuck up

not sure who's better to do that though. this thread is about "can't see any servers" and this issue is completely unreleated to levelmod. the issue is caused by openspy and it's beyond my control. do you understand that or not?

if you feel the urge to whine about how we didn't spent our precious time to add useless zones and flags that noone cared about you can create a separate thread for it and share your opinion there. but let me ask you, were you around back when I asked people to contribute and pick the zones that everyone would like?

here's the thread from november 2011, zero feedback (except few bugs):

year later (!) in december 2012 we discussed the issue with lyst and here was the attempt to fix the issue - special subforum. it worked for a few levels, but it was nearly as popular as the first attempt.

and this happened, when thps3 was "dying", but still pretty much populated. noone cared, ponky. that's why you can "only play TA".

Youtube Channel | THPS2 Cumulative Patch | THPS3 LevelMod | THPS3 Project 512x | Tony Hawk's Games Wiki
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10-20-2015, 04:39

Tony Himself
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(10-19-2015 23:49)Pinky thps3 Wrote:  They are very well do it for free
and indeed some knew some time ago that one of my plans is to give my thanks for that money

but lvl maps mod can not fully enjoy because as many know can only be played TA

ahhhh "Ignorance is bliss" Yay

Until the end of Time
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10-20-2015, 06:55


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(10-19-2015 23:49)Pinky thps3 Wrote:  They are very well do it for free
and indeed some knew some time ago that one of my plans is to give my thanks for that money

but lvl maps mod can not fully enjoy because as many know can only be played TA

ther are several lvlmod lvls with cz/ctf/koth etc, i don't understand why you're complaining about this anyway. all anyone does nowadays is play in RIO and u r the same

[Image: kisspng-ultimate-mortal-kombat-3-mortal-...219300.png]
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Pinky thps3
10-20-2015, 14:49

Magic Bum
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-the post Can not See any servers
the address on the side of that there are no players online
and he was given the suggestion to make an update
and validation of files for possible updates was in the distant future

-the players always play in RIO and it's kind of boring
every time you try to play most of the time lvlmod is not possible since the areas for CBC, cz, koth are not assigned ....
if I knew how to put these areas would no problem


-el post can't see any servers
lo aborde por el lado de que ya no hay jugadores en línea
y estaba dando la sugerencia de hacer una actualizacion
y la validacion de archivos era para posibles actualizaciones en un futuro lejano

-los jugadores siempre juegan en RIO y ya es algo aburrido
cada vez que se intenta jugar en lvlmod gran parte del tiempo no es posible ya que las zonas para ctf,cz,koth.... no estan asignadas
si yo supiera como colocar estas zonas lo haría sin ningún problema
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