Zyzz, please start spinning your fs shove it the right direction it looks so ugly when you dont
w!Ld just told me yesterday about the spins and what is right and what is wrong. When I uploaded this I wasn't aware of this aspect! but thanks
Delete it and upload another one. Im looking forward to see it
he din't let me finish telling him all the way, so expect more of the same.
ah.. yeah his mind rushes sometimes.. listening is an art itself. we will see
I wont be uploading another improv of the same level. Im already working on Kona atm.
bad vid with a worse end
Felt guilty that I said I would participate in the competition and didnt take part in the first 2 rounds
Also there is only 1 run posted yet, pretty sad.
So made this "run" today, made it before I saw Azy's cap
I even forget u could cross the bridge in Chicago
Next level I will be better/practice more
ps: Is kona the next level?
ps2: Yeah give some feedback + I need someone to learn me some improvskills