first off i dunno if this topic is ok-ish in the thps-section, if its not pls move to the correct one, ty in advance;
i downloaded the new openspy thingy and i can connect w/o problems to the server, i can see players in the lobby and i get the message in the chatbox. but i can't see any servers at all.. when i was online with slappy he told me that there were several servers which were perfectly fine for him, i kept refreshing but nooothin
pls heeeelp
desperate psycho
I do welcome you to, Psycho.
First of all I wanted to tell you that you are an skillless player and not worthy playing THPS3.
Did you already try to reinstall the game?
That do solve most of the problems.
That's normal nowadays. You can only see the server when they change level or I think, not sure though, when a game has ended. It's really annoying, you just need to keep refreshing for minutes. Going in and out of lobby helps too sometimes.
Yeah changing(reloading) level seems to help for this. Fastest solution is an IM to someone inside the server but this is not an option for everyone
(09-08-2015 19:49)ColbY Wrote: [ -> ]I do welcome you to, Psycho.
First of all I wanted to tell you that you are an skillless player and not worthy playing THPS3.
Did you already try to reinstall the game?
That do solve most of the problems.
Hey friends.
Does anyone know another solution?
That was a really cool game.
Every day saw new gamers.
Does not matter if Noob or Pro, from around the world.
sometimes it was really funny.
We could try to make a validating
as it is done in thugpro
I tease out updates
programming anything but I will try not figure out how to do this
wtf validating? thugpro validates mod files so everyone has the same and up to date version of thugpro. the problem described here is due to openspy never was programmed to support thps3 correctly (as there was no need for it). the problem is on openspy side, but since noone really bothers about this old game and folks keep migrating to thugpro (including you), this just won't be fixed.
I do not expect you to understand my reason why I am in thugpro
I do not expect a person who never enters thps3 tell me I leave thps3
I didn't post a "hey holasitos! I'm leaving thps3 and going to thugpro!" video. you did.
your point is wrong. I told you why. what you told is "no" without any argument. okay.