Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3

Full Version: THPS HD is coming to PC!
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coming to steam today, if anyone is still interested...
Psycho Wrote:One more reason to pirate it..
wild786 Wrote:
Psycho Wrote:One more reason to pirate it..

available on steam - 7,19 usd, who will buy it though
no multiplayer, right?
Woulda bought it if it had multiplayer but now there's no way I'm buying it
Nice troll robomodo
If those fucking bastards want me to buy it then l2p and better get online mode in it asap or there will be secnd 9/11 fucktard pisshead
Well the positive thing I can say about it is that the graphics are great and that there are spintaps.

Bad thing is, it's as barebones as it can be. The only thing you can change in the ingame options menu is the volume...

It's very easy to mess with settings in the ini files though. Enabled a demomode which just straight up starts a run in warehouse when you boot the game, messed with gravity, that kindof jazz.

Alas, haven't found the magical enable revert or online play setting yet. There is lots of crap about online stuff sprinkled in there (including stuff about gamespy) but most of that could be remnants from the console versions.

Didn't really find any hidden gems yet. There is mention of the sound for the DLC levels in there and also the avatar skaterthing for xbox 360.
$9.99 (AUD) At the moment on steam but for a limited time its selling for 10% off ($8.99).
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