Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3

Full Version: Skating better with other clothes?
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Esk8 Wrote:
Shizz Wrote:
fatty Wrote:if you wear "low" socks on colour 38, 146, 88 you go faster
srsly , or are u laughing with me Original?
You should know FG never jokes. he is being serious.
fatty Wrote:beer,anyone :Original ?

yeh , ur right esk8 Original
Esk8 Wrote:
Shizz Wrote:
fatty Wrote:if you wear "low" socks on colour 38, 146, 88 you go faster
srsly , or are u laughing with me Original?
You should know FG never jokes. he is being serious.
Esk8 have you been experiencing shuffling problems with different shoes, until you found right technique? :Original
Clothes shouldn't be a problem, must just be having bad days at shuffling, I couldn't stop laughing when I read your topic!
Maybe some clothes files are smaller, so they need less time to load or maybe the graphic processor handles certain colors faster than others. So if you have a real slow pc it might matter I think..
Lalita Wrote:Clothes shouldn't be a problem, must just be having bad days at shuffling, I couldn't stop laughing when I read your topic!
hahaaaa!! YE LMAOOOO...nope still dont get why i should laugh 'bout this...if other ppl have same question they have their awnser here

@lyst: i dont think my pc is slow
Windows XP , pc is from 2003 or 2004 or some, but it could be slow.. idk

Conclusion: everybody says it doesnt matter wich clothes!
when I play naked I feel so great (santa)
fatty Wrote:if you wear "low" socks on colour 38, 146, 88 you go faster
It is funny, cause I don't think anyone is gonna look at this topic cause it stupid, maybe you are just thinking that it shuffles better, This isnt a problem, maybe you just have bad/good days.
Lalita Wrote:It is funny, cause I don't think anyone is gonna look at this topic cause it stupid, maybe you are just thinking that it shuffles better, This isnt a problem, maybe you just have bad/good days.
dont know wot u mean with bad days, but that wont be it lol...i nvr shuffled that thing ever totally...
and.....the hell am I replying on thisClosedeyes i already know my awnser ...
shin Wrote:when I play naked I feel so great (santa)
You should post pics.
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