OK NEW stick it!
Level AP
NO ALLOWED : manual,noseslide lipslide bug
Only 1 revert allowed (2reverts were too easy)
sexiest way
in order :
Use/grind that ramp
Grind that rail
Grind that object
Finish by grinding this both rails
deadline - 10/04/2010
I don't think you eaven can get up from down without manual :s
yea fool ! =p
k i extend the deadline to 15/04. k?
Hm that could be hard

.I'll give my best too

all parts are easy.
the difficulty is to land all in 1
Ofc they are easy alone

in fact only the last objective is hard pretty random for me
Imo the third is harder ^^ I capped lots of tries where I missed the rail and I capped one where I only missed the last bonk :0
OMG fool try try try ag !
And ye the 3rd is the hardest :