Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3

Full Version: Cool canada transfer?
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This isn't one of them bonk glitches that can't be redone, here It's pretty obvious on how I do it which means it can be redone which means It's a fucking transfer. OK I got carried away..
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Not bad.

Nihilism Wrote:which means it can be redone which means It's a fucking transfer.

Not really. Hey it is obv how i do manual which means it can be redone which means its a fucking transfer.
Cap nm with this bonk!
SicK Wrote:Not bad.

Nihilism Wrote:which means it can be redone which means It's a fucking transfer.

Not really. Hey it is obv how i do manual which means it can be redone which means its a fucking transfer.
Don't be a smartass, you're not good at it.
Well i thought you will ve some problems like always all those noobs have, but ye i just wanted to explain it to you cuz it definietly isn't transfer and only that something can be redone doesn't mean it is transfer holyshit.
SicK Wrote:Well i thought you will ve some problems like always all those noobs have, but ye i just wanted to explain it to you cuz it definietly isn't transfer and only that something can be redone doesn't mean it is transfer holyshit.
This is like the second time you start an argument with me, and the second time you say something stupid during the argument.
A transfer is getting from 1 place to another in a ''stylish way'', therefor a manual isn't a transfer.
That bonk I posted got me going backwards, which means it got me somewhere, which means It's a transfer.

Edited by Lyst
sorry but nothing special :/
but ya in nm would be cool i think with some proper trick usage
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