Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3

Full Version: Ownish has pb trainer...
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so i DIDNT take the pic at same time as he write i did it some when blind said i should
AND U CAN SEE I HAVE SCROLLED UPP IN CONVO... THAT IS what i mean I SAVE all convo in msn so we had talked about other when i made that pic that :S
and sry for so many replys pls dont warn me for spam Xd
Vadru i love your start button (Y)

Shame on you ownish, shame on you (N)
ah and i found prof for it 2 if u look hes offline right tere and second in msn it says last message wich wasnt that message btw was at 12 somethng and if u look pc time its 13 somethng so its way after and that was last message that message that was about trainer is way b4 the last message ^^
Lol using it for cz, is rather a waste of pb, idk how it looks like but shouldn't you use it more in ta? Xd :lol:
I think this is really dumb, for three reasons...

- Ownish wouldn't really need pb, it sucks more than playing without it, especially in CZ!
- IF Ownish would want PB, he would ask his brother, and I am sure he is smart enough not to ask it from that kind of 'weirdo' like Vadru is.
- Vadru is gay!
-Ownish found Guilty

When u look at the 2 pics at start u can see the date on bottom.....
To zoe: Why would he ask? NO IDEA. Question is: Why he asked

To slappy: look what vadru wrote Original
The question is: does ownish have a brother? :?
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