Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3

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SicK Wrote:LOL. I really like when lot of you call players noobs with such a proud ^^ Nah nvm it but there is smthin like ban in this game still so just use it.

Todger is worth nothin also these days everyone have it. What i think is they mainly ve todger so u can use dex... or not well-known bl.. or pi... .peace.

Pi.. ?! Lame, i dont know that one :/ im a noob too now? OR I ALREADY WAS A NOOB?! Now i shall never know..
Those pws always seem to be passed on by carelessness. About 8 months ago or something I heard someone say t..... and d..... out loud in the lobby, that's how I found out. A few weeks later in a non passworded server blaq (I think) reeled off about 7 old passwords including bl.. and pi... for no reason.
Plato Wrote:I know some guy named BRAINSTORM told the pw in public..
But, isnt it time to create a new pro pw.. t- is way too old..

I really wonder.. who told the 'noobs'? If i know who, i think i might ban him from every visit to my server :geek:

you guys are so stupid...

that gay pass doesn't make you good, there are no noobs on cuz a noob is a beginner and if you play game 2 days you dont have pass.
you were/are also noob, and how did you get better? by asking ''pro's''
if every ''pro'' plays in a gay pass server how can they get better?
you dont give them a change.
you can make new pass. nobody would use it anyway.
Well rey, we're not always hosting with a password, and we, atleast me can't really help someone playing 2 weeks or something, they first need to get the basics. After that it's best to play with people from your own level. Teaching eachother is way faster than when getting taught by someone better than you. Besides, we made these passwords to play with good players, not having to kick the newer/bad players all the time. And 4-6 years ago, it was way stricter to get the password, but still new players got a chance to deserve the password. I had to practise really hard, and I was proud when I obtained the password, when getting the password this way, other players respect you way more as a new player, than when you're totally unknown and/or you still don't have the skills to give us some resistance in games.
Plus when you have some requirements, which should be pretty high, people will go for it, because they do want to join our servers. Nowadays, they get passwords in chat or from friends. When they join proservers they think they're pro enough and really stop improving themselves in the way someone needs to do to obtain the password.

Still we can't/won't make another password, because almost every password turned into a failure. Even if we'd set up a new password according to the old requirements, I think 70-80% of this community won't even be able to obtain it.
So if you really don't want those "evenmorenoobishthanyou" players in your server, kick them, or when you're not host, make them feel unwelcome, by asking them how they got their password and why they think they belong here.
At least that's what I always do, no mercy!
lyst Wrote:I think 70-80% of this community won't even be able to obtain it.

Hah agree. 80%imo.

Idk there's a dude slappy ondrugs<prolly the one who made this stupid thread> who is like atacking me of no reason. Idk who he is and how he get the pw lol. Some of those noobs on "pro" servers are anoying. Pro pw starts to become noob pw lol. U should rename pro pw to noob pw and then be proud of geting it.

Well Rey idk for me being or not being the noob is more likely about skills and not about how long some1 play a game. Some are talented and they just need some level knowledge and stuff,games knowledge and maybe few tips and they will become good players pretty fast. Some won't even in years of playing.
yes it is so true about getting the pro pw from a friend in the chat room or msn i found out the pw from blink i think he said like you are good enough to play with them so use these pws : .............
but when i heard the pws i didnt want to join the servers which i was sure used those pws (as they do) i tried that 5 xtc and did it i did half a bil in ta i improved so much in graff and ofcourse cz and ctf (although im not good in these games (cz and ctf) cause i dont like these games) and i got better in slap and balance.
So one day i joined the server and most ppl knew me and accepted that its good (i think) that i joined noob pw serv ^^
only me deserve for pro pw.
theres a saying "clothes make the man"
why everyone for you "pros" is noob because u dont know him?
and why dont play with noobs?
maybe they dont have 2 bill rec or something
but u can play with them
ofc they are no match but just 4 fun
or in rl u only meet ppl in your age?
i dont know where to get pro pw's
we "noobs" have no contact to you because u dont talk to us or u playing only on your "pro" server
Because if someone is good, some of us would notice that, and it will be told to eachother, but if we don't know him, he either just started playing (which often means you're not good enough) or you don't have the skills to impress anyone, so nobody will talk about you, so nobody knows you.

Tell me what's the fun playing cz with someone doing ta, or bringing the key to all zones you already have, playing ctf with someone who chases his own flag, playing koth with someone who can't get the crown because he's too slow. The better the player is, the more fun i have in playing thps3, you have to try really hard to win and all games are exciting then. And yeah in real life you go to school with people your own age/knowledge at sports you play with people your own age/skills so it's pretty common.

When someone is (still) noob there is no need to contact you, once you are good enough to join, I'm sure someone will contact you, though this never happens anymore, because everyone joins already before they're good enough, because some friend told them or they read it in chat.
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