Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3

Full Version: what file i need?
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Pages: 1 2 3
Ever heard of right mouse -> save as?
do it like lyst says ^^
at the moment it dont work for me
fatty can u explain in german and "ausführlich" ;p plz
ShiFty Wrote:i uploaded freeman's mod.
rename it to trick.fnt and put it into data/fonts/

it works xP

(rechtsklick[auf Font]->ziel speichern unter)
aber nur der score
tricks stehen immer noch da
hm eigentlich nich. alles is weg (score + tricks)
some1 has a font where u only see score???
who ever u are , come down!
ur font is the same like shifty's.

and for all who say that i works: It does, but it is not comertible with vads 2.0. there u see only tricks.

But i need a font where u see only base + multi
if some1 has plz upload

Vadru made exactly that for me, he also changed the font so I dunno if u like; currenty on wrong pc, i'll upload it later.
foll and vad said that they can give me the file on next day Tongue
u forgot it? plz give me the file
Pages: 1 2 3
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