Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3

Full Version: THPS3 never die! T-shirt
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[Image: frontyd8.jpg] [Image: backpn8.jpg]

Thps3 logo is front, Nick is back, anyway that is only idea which u can only follow if u want, cuz there where i designed this they want almost 120zl for one T-Shirt lol
COOL Original 120ZL = ?
woot, why so expensive
dunno. Sad
t4Sty Wrote:COOL Original 120ZL = ?

32 euro, my t-shirt is just 9 euro
Ohmy! Why ur's is 9 Euro and rambo's shirt 32 euro ?
We can't get a quality t-shirt for 9 euro lol.
When we put our own logo at it it costs around 15-25 euro's.
It looks all right, maybe it's not permanent as much. Hm, I dont think so that just picture printed on t-shirt is so expensive, maybe embroidered, but not that. Btw. there is no more expensive auctions than 9-11 euro
i buy one-color T-shirts for 3.90€ but i print on them myslef so its free. Only paint is 10€ per kilogram but you use like 1 spoon of it for one shirt; and it takes a little longer to make one shirt (2 - 3 days)
i got itdea ^^ lets all buy 1 t-shirt make foto wih it and post it ^^ wouldnt that be funny ^^ :roll: Wink Laugh
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